San Diego Lifestyle Beach Session | Wylie Family
Every year I invest in going to a photography workshop or take continuing education in photography. There are not many workshops that align with my style and family motherhood photography brand, however I finally found one I love, The Hybrid Collective. This year it was held in San Diego, California at the Bahia Hotel Resort. Knowing that I was only attending two sessions at Hybrid Co, I searched out to find more families to photograph. This is one of my personal family model calls that I curated while visiting California.

Finding Clients in other Cities
Internet win! Did you know that Instagram is a fantastic way of finding things you are searching for? I begin my family search by looking up hashtags for a particular area. Families that I ask to model for me in other cities are always found this way, as I have found it super successful. I begin looking up the city and add key words that would help me find clients that fit my criteria for the session. Example of things I search are: #SanDiegoFamily, #SanDiegoMom, #SanDiegoVacation
Finding the sweet Wylie family made my heart so happy! It is a bit odd when a internet stranger messages you asking if your family would like to model for a photography session. I clearly explain my goal to accomplish for my ideal session and let them know I just need them to show up with a smile. Ashlee + Doug are both photographers, so they knew what I was looking for in a session! Their three girls were such a joy, had the sweetest manners, and loved playing at the beach with their parents. Even though it was very chilly that day, a smile never left their faces.

Picking Locations in Other Cities
After messages back and forth, we decided on the local beach, Coronado Beach, close to their house in San Diego. Here in Louisiana there is not options for beach photography, so I like to practice photographing in different locations. Being well rounded in photography is important to me. I want to be confident and proficient photographing in any type of weather, any location, and with any size family. Whatever I get thrown, I want to be able to not only handle it but do it while rendering beautiful images.
Being that they are a photography family, I was lucky that Ashlee knew just the perfect spot to photograph. I trusted her vision because she does this for a living as well. However, this is not always the case when I find model call clients. If the client is unfamiliar with the surrounding locations, scouting the area is critical to the outcome of the session. When I moved to Huntington Beach for the summer of 2019, I spent an entire week adventuring trying to find the perfect location to photograph. Google Maps is a good place to begin looking for open spaces, parks, or local beaches.
Take note, at certain locations, there can be permits that need to be obtained and fees paid to the city.

Booking Model Calls for Branding
Lastly, I want to talk about booking model calls for branding. I get the most fulfillment when I have freedom to photograph what fills my cup. For instance, shooting 90% of what is shown here on FILM! Something I rarely get to do because it is such an expense.
From styling each family members wardrobe selections, picking location, trying new poses, and no weight of having the “perfect” shot on my shoulders, I find myself completely inspired. I am able to capture the family’s emotion without hesitation or worry. I want other photographers to remember why they fell in love with photographing in the first place. Take on sessions that inspire, challenge, and push creatively to be the best photographer you can be!

Yes, I cried when I got these images. They are everything I imagined in my head and more! Thank you Ashlee, Doug, and the girlies~